Bible Studies
Bible study groups are a great way to get to know one another, to learn the Bible together, and to pray and care for one another in a way that’s just not possible in the larger Sunday gathering. Our groups are open for all, and meet in various places and times in the week (see below), and most groups meet during the school term.
Monday | Bible Study | Rog Palmer | Church | 7:00pm |
Tuesday | Ladies Bible Study | Les Palmer | 9:45am | |
Wednesday | Bible Study | Murray Thomas | South Guildford | 7:00pm |
Bible Study | Ivan Hunter | Gooseberry Hill | 7:15pm | |
Bible Study | Martin Ricquebourg | Helena Valley | 7:30pm | |
Fortnightly | Bible Study | Andrew Matthews | Lesmurdie | 7:30pm |
Thursday | Seniors Bible Study | Roger Palmer | Church | 10:00am |
Bible Study | Anton Noppers | Thornlie | 7:30pm | |
Bible Study | Andrew Creelman | Lesmurdie | 7:30pm | |
Young Adults | Martin Ricquebourg | Helena Valley | 7:30pm |